Solver choice

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ODE solver choice

HetaSimulator.jl relies on DifferentialEquations.jl packages, which provide access to 300+ ODE solvers. These solvers can be used in HetaSimulator simulation and parameters estimation functions (sim, fit, etc.), provided via alg keyword argument (for example, see sim). One can also set relative and absolute tolerances (reltol, abstol) and other stepsize related settings via relevant keyword arguments. See DiffEqDocs for details.

If no solver is provided the default one AutoTsit5(Rosenbrock23()) will be used with reltol=1e-3 and abstol=1e-6 for simulation problems and reltol=1e-6 and abstol=1e-8 for parameters estimation.

The following DiffEq Docs page provides general advice on how to choose a solver suitable for your ODE system. For many ODE systems the following simplified guideline is sufficient:

  1. If your system is small (~10 ODEs) go with the default solver
  2. If the system is large and stiff choose FBDF() or QNDF()
  3. If FBDF() fails to solve the system check the model and try it again :)
  4. If FBDF() still fails to solve the system or the integration takes too long try CVODE_BDF()*

*You should be cautious when using CVODE_BDF(). In many cases it is the fastest solver, however the accuracy of the solution is often the tradeoff. You shouldn't use it with tolerances higher than ~ reltol=1e-4 and abstol=1e-7.