Parameters tables

Parameters tables are CSV or XLSX files which store settings for parameter estimation problem. The content of the table can be loaded into Julia environment as a DataFrame and used inside fit method.


The first row is the header. The sequence of the columns may vary.

  • parameter : a String representing unique identifier of model-level parameter. The corresponding parameter must be declared in the Model's namespace (@Const component).

  • nominal (optional): a Float64 nominal value which will be used as an initial value for the parameter. If it is skipped then the default value from the model will be used.

  • lower (optional): a Float64 value that declares the lower bound of the parameter. If skipped then the the lower bound is set to -Inf.

  • upper (optional): a Float64 value that declares the upper bound of the parameter. If skipped then the upper bound is set to Inf.

  • scale (optional): String which can be lin, log, logit. The scale for parameter optimization. Default value is lin.

  • estimate (optional): a Boolean value: true or false or numerical values 0 or 1. Declares if the parameter should be fitted. 0 or false value sets the value for the parameter and excludes it from fitting. Default value is true.


To load the table into Julia environment as DataFrame one should use read_parameters method. This method reads the file, checks the content and formats the data.

parameters_csv = read_parameters("./parameters.csv")

Currently the table can be used only in fit method.

fit_results = fit(p, parameters_csv)


Loading file parameters.csv with the following content.


Read as DataFrame object.

params = read_parameters("./parameters.csv")
res = fit(p, params)

As a result the Platform will be fitted based on all experimental data. The following parameter values will be estimated: sigma_K, sigma_P, Kp_K_D.

These operations are equivalent to the following.

res = fit(
    [:sigma_K => 0.1, :sigma_P => 0.1, :Kp_K_D => 5.562383e+01];
    parameters = [:Kp_R_D => 5.562383e+01],
    lbounds = [1e-6, 1e-6, 1e-6],
    ubounds = [1e3, 1e3, 1e3],
    scale = [:log, :log, :log]